Sunday, April 11, 2010

Your Guide To Becoming Jersey-fied!

Jersey Shore is obviously popular. As ridiculous as it is, it’s amusing and people keep coming back for more. I just can’t get into this show, however there is another show on the style network called Jerseylicious that I have gotten into. You won’t find fist pumping here, but you will find big hair, and lots of it. This is different from Jersey Shore, it actually has a plot! I decided to give this one a try and I thought okay this isn’t so bad, in fact it’s entertaining and now I’m addicted, watching it every Sunday night. (pics via:myabcshows, newsodrome)

CONFESSION # 1: Although I knew that a group of these people who dress and act alike existed, thanks to visits to New Jersey and Michigan, I had no idea that there was a name for them: guido or guidette. Duh! Also, I truly appreciate this culture. I’m simply so fascinated with it that I thought I would share. After much observation, (actually 5 minutes is all you need) here is my guide to becoming jersey-fied!

*Pluck your eyebrows until they look better than your girls’ eyebrows. Use that thickness to your advantage honey!

*Spike your hair from your left ear all the way to your right ear, from the beginning of your hairline all the way down to the backside of your neck. SO: spike your entire head.

*Make sure your earring bling is nice and huge, allowing others to notice you from at least 20 feet. Pierce both ears.

*Stock up on Ed Hardy T shirts and hats, especially the ones decked out with crystals.

*While your at it, stock up on steroids and such. (such= no idea what they are taking)

*Tease the hell out of your hair, until it gets big, big, big. Go for a poof, you’ll get that snooki effect.

*Fake bake until you get orange. On top of that, use bronzer too. Don't worry if it doesn't look natural.

*Make sure your eye makeup goes beyond your eyes.

*Mix those animal prints, the more the better. I’m talkin zebra, cheetah, giraffe, snakeskin, yup they all look fabu together!

*While you wear your animal print top, major cleavage is a must. If you got it, flaunt it!

*Wear over the top earrings that flash, but remember to take them off before you get into a fight.

*Make sure to say that you’re the only one with class and that the rest of the people around you are trash.

*Memorize those comebacks to the point where you can shoot ‘em off like they just came naturally to you.

(I know what I’ll be for Halloween next year!)

CONFESSION # 2: I really do love big hair (but not the snooki kind or reference to the 80’s) but the kind that frames your face and is nice and flowy. Overall, I really am captivated by this culture and all its glory, hence this post. Man, this was fun!

P.S. Before Lady Gaga became well…gaga, she was originally a guidette. Now that, I could totally imagine. Maybe she will recreate this look with exaggeration. Knowing her, this is a huge possibility.

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